Why Are You Waiting To Follow Your Dreams?

Why are none of us following our dreams?
No seriously. And I’m not just asking for a friend.

Why are we forever complaining to each other about wanting to do the things we’re passionate about, without ever actually doing the things we’re passionate about?
Is this an epidemic of my generation?

As children we’re told we can be and do anything.
A movie star? Sure.
A fireman? The world needs’em!
A superhero? Yep honey, go for it!

In high school we’re told we can do almost anything.. once we have a college degree of course.

Then college hits and we’re told its all about choosing the right major and snagging great internships. But first, we need to borrow $40,000. This is where a lot of my friends threw in the towel, retreating to jobs in retail or having babies.

But for those of us who stuck it out? 4-6 years later we reach the Holy Grail – the entry level job. Here we learn that most of our paycheck will go to the U.S government, and we’ll be “paying our dues” for the next decade or so. And by the way, we need to start saving as much as possible so we can hopefully retire in 40 years.

Eventually our dreams quiet down. We fall into a sleepy pattern of sitting in a chair for 9 hours a day, spending money on food that is bad for us, then gorging on Netflix each night until we can’t keep our eyelids open.

I’m not mad at college. I’m not mad at my job (it’s cool), or the American Dream for that fact!

I’m mad that I, and most people I know, have used these things as excuses to not dig into, pursue, and invest in their talents, gifts, and callings.

In 9th grade I won a contest and was interviewed in a national magazine. They asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. I said matter of factly, “I’m planning to be a singer, a professional dancer, and to write for a fashion magazine.”

I’ve faced the fact that I probably won’t win a Grammy. JLO doesn’t need me in her dance troupe, and most articles in Vogue and Elle are pretty boring anyway. BUT I’ve decided to start this website as a channel to pursue my creative sides on my own time in my own way.

It’s time to stop making excuses, and start taking chances. To step out and find out instead of declaring things impossible that I never walked in faith to try. I’m feeling inspired for the first time in a long time. I lost my inner child and inner believer awhile back, but I’m giving her (quasi-responsible) free reign for awhile. Just to see what happens.


    1. Yes another person! 🙂 I’m glad it came at the right time. I’ve definitely been thinking a lot about purpose, dreams, all that a whole lot lately. Praying right now that you have the courage, vision, energy, everything to keep at your pursuits and the things you feel call to!

  1. Preach it, Abigail!! Everything you said is so on point. I’ve always been frustrated at the concept of having to reach certain markers in order to dream. We should be able to go after our dreams regardless of where we find ourselves in life. Thanks for the reminder!

    1. Thanks Ash!!
      Yes I think the hard part is we’ve usually already decided in our head what those markers of success should have looked like. So it’s easy to feel like it’s too late to make a difference. I’ve been working on reminding myself that it probably will never look “exactly” the way I dreamed, but it’s never too late to create and be a part of something awesomely related to the things I’m passionate about.

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