What is the Message of Your Life?


Well, guess who’s back, friends? It’s your girl, Abby. I know that I have been gone forever, you guys, and I am so sorry. 

It’s been a ridiculously crazy, crazy, crazy (how many more crazies should I say?), crazy season. A lot has happened. We just had Thanksgiving. We’ve got Christmas on the way. I’m trying to do Christmas shopping. This has been, really, like, the absolute busiest time of the year for my business. We’ve had sick kids at home. We’ve been hosting family who have come in. We also had to our sweet dog down, Izzy. Rest in peace, Izzy Lou. We had her for almost seven years, and sweet girl had cancer. We had to put Izzy down. I love her and miss her so much. So yeah, it’s just been a crazy time, but I wasn’t gonna leave you guys, my sweet podcast friends, on your own for very much longer. I knew that I was coming back. 

So today, as always, I want to give you just a couple bits of encouragement. 


Maybe something that you can take with you, something that you could share with your friends and family. Maybe you’ll hear this at just the right time when you really, really need it. Today, I want to talk to you about what is the message of your life? 

Now, in my business, I have been talking with a lot of my writing clients lately about, really, their brand message, their personal message, what they want to be saying about what they do, and what they want people to think of when they think of them because, honestly, it’s that message that people have in their heads about who you are and what you do that makes them decide whether or not they want to buy from you or whether or not they want to get on board with whatever you’re doing.

The same way that’s true in business, that’s also so, so, so true in our lives. Whatever message people take away from interacting with you, from being around you, whatever the message is that your life exudes will determine whether or not they want to be friends with you, whether or not they want to invest in you, whether or not they want to buy from you — it goes on and on and on — whether they want to date you, whether they want to marry you, all of those things.


“We’re always giving off messages whether we realize it or not, and that is from how we act, from what we say, and from how we treat other people as well, too.”

What is the message of your life - Joy Rally Podcast

So every single day, whether you’re at work, whether you’re walking around, whether you’re hanging out with family and friends, there’s some sort of message that you’re exuding. It could be a message from, “Ugh, the world sucks. I hate everything. It’s not even worth it to live.” That’s one message your life can exude. Your life can also exude, “There is endless possibility. We can do anything we put our minds to. There’s so much in life to enjoy, and happiness is possible.” We’re always giving off messages whether we realize it or not, and that is from how we act, from what we say, and from how we treat other people as well, too.

So right now, I am reading a book called Atomic Habits by an author named James Clear, and I’ve heard a ton about this book. I got on the library waitlist and waited, literally, five months to get the book. Yes, I still get books from the library. 


I finally got the book, and I’m about three chapters in. So far, it is dynamite. It is so, so good. One thing that he talks about is how a lot of people will set goals or set resolutions or whatever without actually changing how they think about themselves. Whether or not you’re able to reach your goals is all dependent upon if you think that you actually can, you know? 

If I were to say, “I want to lose ten pounds,” I can either say, “I want to lose ten pounds,” “I’m going to lose ten pounds,” or “I want to try to lose ten pounds.” Anyone who tells themselves and tells other people, “I want to try to lose ten pounds,” likely isn’t gonna actually lose the weight. If I say, “I want to lose ten pounds,” you’re a little bit more there, but you’re still not fully there. You haven’t made the commitment to being someone who’s ten pounds lighter. 


Whereas if I say, “I’m going to lose ten pounds” — if I tell that to myself, if I tell that to the people around me, all of a sudden I have accountability to myself, I have accountability to the people around me, and that is a message that I’m instilling in myself. When you instill a message in yourself, you start to believe it and act on what you believe.

“Whether or not you’re able to reach your goals is all dependent upon if you think that you actually can.”

That is really the key to doing a lot of the things in life that we say that we want to do, or when we say we want to change things about ourselves, but we can’t quite get it done, it all starts with who we internally believe that we are and then the message that we exude with our life. 

I guess what I want to tell you guys today is the message of your life shows through in more than just what you say. It’s not just about what you say about yourself or about what you do or about the reasons why you do the things you do. The message of your life also shows up in how you act. It shows up in what you choose to spend your time on. It shows up in who you choose to spend your time around. The message of your life reflects in what you do when you’re online. 


The message of your life reflects in the legacy that you leave, whether it’s for your family, your friends, your kids, your coworkers, you’re always leaving a legacy.

Today, I just want to ask you — and I want to give you a chance to really think about it. Maybe pull out a journal or a blank piece of paper or open the notes in your phone and just answer this question: What is the message of your life? Right now, if somebody had to take a look at everything that you’re spending your time on, the things that you’re focusing on, the things that you’re worried about.

Then, after you write that down, ask yourself: What do you want the message of your life to be? What do you wish the message of your life was? Write that down too. Then, I want you to take a look at the two. Find the differences, and ask yourself, “What do I need to do to make this my life message? What do I need to become more of this person instead of that person?” 


From negativity to positivity, from unhealthy to in shape, from scatter-brained to organized, from disconnected and lonely to in relationship with other people. 

You may spot a lot of gaps between who you are now and who you want to be, the message that you’re giving off now, and the message you want to give off, but once you realize it, once you get it down on paper, and once you find the path for yourself, it’s gonna be so, so worth it. So whatever the message of your life is today, I want to encourage you to make it a good one.

I would love to hear from you guys anytime!

Reach out to me on Instagram @abbyflynnco. You can also find me at abbyflynn.com.

Thanks so much for listening to The Joy Rally Podcast. If this was encouraging to you, I would invite you to subscribe if you don’t already and, also, share this episode with a friend who needs to hear it.

Thanks so much, guys, for listening in, and I’ll see you next time on The Joy Rally Podcast!

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