Christmas and The Final Word

Christmas and The Final Word

“For a child will be born for us, a son will be given to us, and the government will be on his shoulders. He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” – Isaiah 9:6 A lot of us are coming into Christmas this year a little different than we were…

God, Truth, and Sunbeams

God, Truth, and Sunbeams

It’s been a real day.A real month, actually.Okay, a real YEAR, if we’re being totally honest. I don’t have much to write tonight since it’s already 11 pm, but I wanted to share a quote I’ve been sitting with, resting in even, lately. It’s been a real kick in my pants when I’m wrestling with…

Should you ditch your phone for lent? Here’s what happened when i tried.

Should you ditch your phone for lent? Here’s what happened when i tried.

My phone is my closest companion. I mean really. My iPhone escorts me to the bathroom. She sits with me through meetings. Occasionally she plays along with my child and I. Heck, she even watches me while I sleep! Not to mention the amount of time I spend engaging with my phone is exponentially higher…